Contact us

When we say we're always here to help, we mean it.

If you have any questions, please let us know in one of the following ways, we'll get back to within 48 hours.

Our Customer Care Team is available to answer your questions from : Mon-Fri 9am-7pm EST

If you have a question about your receiving or your tracking number, please be sure it has been 2-5 days after you've ordered as that is the general processing time.

If you have a question about switching items, please provide us with an order number or message us.


Tel: +1 2092548539

      +86 18950784563

WhatsApp: +1 (332) 261-4951 or

Company Address: Luk Yu Building, 24-26 Stanley Street, Central, Hong Kong

Warehouse Address: RM 110, Floor 3A, No. 32, Fenjiang North Road, Chancheng District, Foshan, China

Thank you!